Submission Guidelines for
TPT Magazine

At TPT, we are looking for works of any genre written or created by sexual trauma survivors, those who love survivors, as well as those who support survivors.
This is a safe, supportive space dedicated to providing all who are impacted by sexual trauma an opportunity to share and be a part of a community of survivors.
We publish work that has been published previously. We are open to veteran creators and new creators. We also accept simultaneous submissions. Please let us know if your piece has been submitted and accepted elsewhere.

We ask that all “real” names of those involved, with the exception of the survivor, be replaced with pseudonyms to protect survivors and their families. We will publish your work anonymously if you choose to do so. We will accept works with profanity.
We define sexual trauma broadly: there is no value in measuring or evaluating the legitimacy of others’ suffering. Sexual harm takes many forms. We recognize that sexual trauma occurs across identities, communities, and contexts. We recognize, too, that sexual trauma happens more frequently to and often creates increased hardship for (in terms of accessing resources and support) individuals with multiple, marginalized intersecting identities. We feel honored to be able to put some of those stories of marginalized folks out into the world.
Response TimeOur editorial team aims to respond as quickly as possible, but expect to hear from us anywhere from six to twelve weeks. Any questions or difficulties, please contact us, using the form on our website.
Manuscript FormattingManuscripts should be in 12 point font, double spaced, and have at least one inch margins. Poetry can be single-spaced, and you can submit 5 poems in one document. Please place your name and email on the top of the first page. Please include a title on the first page for longer works, and a title for each poem submitted. Include a brief biography on the top of the first page.
Word CountMemoir– between 500-2,000 words One-Act Plays–no more than 15,000 words Poetry–up to 5 poems Nonfiction Essays–between 500-2,000 words Readings of Poems–must also include text file of poems Music or Dance–no longer than 10 minutes Include title of work, and if song, please include lyrics Docustyle Video– no longer than 10 minutes Artwork– digital files
Tech GuidelinesFiles are accepted in following formats: .bmp, .gif, .ico, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .svg, .tif, .tiff, .webp, .avi, .mpeg, .ogv, .ts, .webm, .3gp, .3g2, .aac, .mid, .midi, .mp3, .oga, .opus, .wav, .weba, .3gp, 3g2 .css, .csv, .html, .html, .ics, .js, .mjs, .txt, .xml, .json, .azw, .azw3, .kfx, .bz2, .doc, .epub, .odp, .ods, .odt, .pdf, .zip, .7z, .ppt, .pptx, .tar, .xls and .xlsx Maximum size for any file is 500 MB. If submission exceeds the file limit, please upload using a .zip file.
Terms of Publication
Text Power Telling Magazine accepts a variety of forms of art – writing (memoir, plays, poetry, nonfiction essays), artwork, audio of music, docu video and videos of dance performances. We are open to veteran creators and new creators. We accept simultaneous submissions as well as work that has been previously published elsewhere (including self-published works), if you specify that this is a reprint and state where it was published so that we may properly give credit to your first publication.
By submitting, you acknowledge that you are the creator and exclusive owner of the work. While there is no monetary payment, your work will be promoted on social media and archived on the website in perpetuity. We have the right to feature excerpts of your work in promotional emails and on social media. If do not wish to have your work promoted by these means, please send us a written request. The magazine is always available online for free.